The Glory of God – Psalm 19-pt. 3

vs. 1 still cont’d.  We must consider what God has given us to declare Who He is and the great lengths He has gone to show us what He is like.

-Space demonstrates Who God is-

Vastly Bigger and more powerful and terrible than we can comprehend.

-The Firmament, that which lies beneath what we call  “Space” demonstrates what God is like.

His handiwork-Selah-His lovely and perfect Creation made lovingly for us.  God focused on us!

He is Wisdom perfectly executed

He is all senses graciously satisfied.

He is all encompassing- The Great I Am!

“and it was good”

The planet is demonstrating God’s foreknowledge in eath’s and earth’s creature’s ability and need to change and adapt.  God never has to say, “Ut-Oh!”, and He knows exactly how to execute His plans and purposes.

Earth is more than matter.  Plants live and change- a seedling becomes a tree.  Insects and animals live in complex societies.  Humans are driven by issues of moral and emotional tennents: there is also a spiritual relm in motion.

The “natural world” is beautiful and good.  All creatures understand “nice” and “pleasant”, “comfort” and “peace”.  The opposite of these things occurs when there is a rift in the “balace of nature”, which goes against God’s original plan for Creation.

This is brought about by sin.

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