vs. 8-9    Praise and exultation to our Great Everlasting Lord who will rid the earth of sin.

Praise because God is most high forever.

Forever- From before He created “time” and the “In the beginning” which He designed for us to exist in, He was and is and will always be. It’s hard to wrap my head around this, because I am a creature of time and space.

Most High– Greatest and most powerful.  Controller of everything and the orchestrator of all wisdom.  His power and promises, His plans and His Person shall never be broken.  He has authority, ownership, and the ability to accomplish all He desires, and there’s nothing that can stand in His way.

I must praise this Almighty One that chose to love and care for me.  He has showered me with His favor and special blessings no one else could understand, and time and time, again rescued me (sometimes even from situations I caused), only because He chose to…I don’t deserve Him.

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