vs. 5  This open door of communion, a spirit that desires dwelling with the Lord, also provides access to God’s places of refuge where He shall hide me in the time of trouble.  His places of hiding are secret.  The world can’t understand and doesn’t see them.  Their effectiveness in hiding me is directly related to my desire and implementation in dwelling “in the house of the Lord”.  When trouble lurks, I must be “in doors”.

I must also trust where God “sets” me, for (even if it doesn’t feel like it) I am “up upon a rock”-safe from the battering storm.  God actually directed and told the Isrealites exactly where to stand when they got “hemmed in” by Pharoh’s persuing army and the Red Sea.  God knew they would be “cornered”, but He hid them with His cloud and parted a sea to rescue them – all for His glory, to reveal His watch-care  for them. (This should have built their faith.)

Nothing can separate me from this love (Romans 8:38-39), or this power to save and protect, coupled with the omniscient wisdom of how best, and when, to bring the situations He deems necessary to pass.

God’s merciful grace, His unconditional, unmerited love has done all the work to set me upon a rock; and that Rock is JESUS CHRIST.